Class: BallJoint

ODE.Joint. BallJoint

A ball and socket joint between 2 rigid bodies : Ball and Socket

abstractnew ODE.Joint.BallJoint()

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 605




get the type of this joint


inherited attach(b1, b2){ODE.Joint}

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 662

Attach the joint to some new bodies. If the joint is already attached, it will be detached from the old bodies first. To attach this joint to only one body, set body1 or body2 to zero - a zero body refers to the static environment. Setting both bodies to zero puts the joint into "limbo", i.e. it will have no effect on the simulation. Some joints, like hinge-2 need to be attached to two bodies to work.

Name Type Description
b1 ODE.Body

the first body

b2 ODE.Body

the second body

Type Description

inherited destroy()

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 645

clear memory space in LLVM heap

inherited getAnchor(){Array.<Number>}

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 699

Get anchor position as array [x, y, z ]

Type Description

inherited getBody(idx){ODE.Body|null}

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 672

Return the bodies that this joint connects. If idx is 0 the first body will be returned, corresponding to the first body argument of ODE.Joint.Prototypes.BaseJoint#attach. If idx is 1 the second body will be returned, corresponding to the second body argument of ODE.Joint.Prototypes.BaseJoint#attach.. If one of these returned body IDs is zero, the joint connects the other body to the static environment. If both body IDs are zero, the joint is in ``limbo'' and has no effect on the simulation.

Name Type Description
idx Number
Type Description
ODE.Body | null

inherited getPointer(){Number}

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 638

get offset address in heap memory

Type Description

inherited setAnchor(x, y, z){ODE.Joint}

D:/work/ODE.js/lib/ode.js, line 690

Set anchor position

Name Type Description
x Number
y Number
z Number
Type Description